3 Natural Anti-Acne Face Masks You Could Make Right Now - Image of home remedy ingredients for face masks.

3 Easy DIY Acne Face Masks You Can Make At Home

Regular anti-acne face masks are a great addition to any skincare routine. Even if your acne isn’t active, these face masks help cleanse the excess oils, dead skin and bacteria that cause acne, which makes them ideal for prevention and general skin health. These are 3 recipes well known for their anti-acne properties.
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Regular anti-acne face masks are a great addition to any skincare routine.

Even if your acne isn’t active, these face masks help cleanse the excess oils, dead skin and bacteria that cause acne, which makes them ideal for prevention and general skin health.

These are 3 recipes, well known for their anti-acne properties. They’re all made from simple everyday ingredients that you’re likely to already have in your kitchen.

Got to love it when life’s this simple!

Homemade Face masks - Mature woman smiling with clear skin.

Note: Some of these face masks contain acidic ingredients such as lemon and apple cider vinegar. We recommend a small test patch before applying these masks to your entire face, as they may cause a slight sting for 2-3 seconds on active acne or broken skin. If pain is persistent, remove the mask and apply ManukaRx Skin Rescue Ointment which will help soothe and protect the area.

Egg White Acne Face Mask (Skin Oil)

Egg White Acne Mask

What you’ll need:

Mix the ingredients in a bowl. Cleanse your face and then apply the mask. Allow 15-20 minutes for the ingredients to work their magic and then wipe off the mask using a warm, damp face cloth. Finish by applying 2-3 drops of ManukaRx Blemish Oil for ongoing protection.

Egg Whites
Nourishes the skin and will soak up excess oils. Egg whites are a natural source of B vitamins which play an important role in cell regeneration and protection.

Lemon Juice
Contains alpha hydroxy acid which works as a peel to remove top layers of the dead skin cells. It also acts as an antiseptic which can help reduce the number of bacteria.

ManukaRx Acne Prevention Oil
Mānuka oil itself has 20x-30x more antibacterial enzymes than your standard tea tree oil. Our ManukaRx Acne Prevention Oil contains several natural ingredients, specifically chosen for their anti-acne properties. 

Turmeric Acne Face Mask (Skin Complexion)

Turmeric Acne Face Mask

What you’ll need:

If your honey is solid, warm it using a double boil or a microwave slowly until it becomes liquified. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Cleanse your face and then massage the mask into your skin. Allow 15-20 minutes for the ingredients to work their magic, massage one more time and then wipe off the mask using a warm, damp face cloth. Finish by applying 2-3 drops of ManukaRx Blemish Oil for ongoing protection.

Turmeric Powder
Contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components that will give your skin a natural healthy glow. The anti-inflammatory qualities target your pores and will calm your skin. Turmeric is also known to fade hyperpigmentation and scarring.

Greek Yogurt
Is a superfood with excellent antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties. The lactic acid in yogurt not only clears acne but will also help improve your complexion and skin tone.

Raw Honey
Is naturally antibacterial so it’s great for acne treatment and prevention. It's extremely moisturizing and soothing, so it helps give your skin a natural healthy glow.

ManukaRx Acne Prevention Oil
Manuka oil itself has 20x-30x more anti-bacterial enzymes than your standard tea tree oil. Our ManukaRx Acne Prevention Oil contains several natural ingredients, specifically chosen for their anti-acne properties. 

Baking Soda Acne Face Mask (Deep Clean)

Baking Soda Acne Face Mask

What you’ll need:

  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon raw honey
  • 1/2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 2-3 drops of ManukaRx Blemish Oil

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and apply it to cleansed face. Allow 15-20 minutes for the ingredients to work their magic and then wipe off the mask using a warm, damp face cloth. Finish by applying 2-3 drops of ManukaRx Blemish Oil for ongoing protection.

Baking Soda
Has properties that will pull out the dirt and excess oils in your pores. It’s a powerful ingredient which will help refine pores and prevent further breakouts.

Raw Honey
Is a humectant that helps to draw moisture into the skin. It also clarifies and nourishes your skin and the antibacterial and antifungal properties of honey prevent the build-up of bacteria that can lead to acne.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Pulls out toxins and helps balance the PH of your skin while minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also contains beta-carotene which helps reduce the appearance of acne, scars and dark spots. 

ManukaRx Acne Prevention Oil
Manuka oil itself has 20x-30x more anti-bacterial enzymes than your standard tea tree oil. Our ManukaRx Acne Prevention Oil contains several natural ingredients, specifically chosen for their anti-acne properties.

There you have it, 3 affordable face masks you can add to your at-home skincare routine. Make sure to grab our East Cape Mānuka Skin Oil to amplify your facemasks! 

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Is it safe for pregnants.?

Is it safe for pregnants.?

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